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Division of Marketing and Communications

Major and Concentration Page Guidelines

Revised August 2024

Whether there have been substantive changes in programs or not, your web presence is more effective if it is kept fresh and up-to-date.

Who Does What?

  • How do I gain access to my page(s)?
  • What sections can I update myself once I have access?
    • Main Image
    • Careers
    • Information
  • What about everything else?
    • Kristin Byrne is the person responsible for helping you make changes. You can contact her at with your requests.

Page Elements

  • Main Image
    • The easiest way to freshen the page is to change the image at the top. 
    • The best way to assure that current photographs are available is to schedule a photographer from CVS to cover events and department/school milestones. 
    • Submit a CVS ticket to request a photographer
    • Search for existing MTSU photography using Merlin.
    • General guidelines for selecting your main image:
      • Whenever possible, people in photographs must have an MTSU connection—students, alumni, faculty, staff, off-campus performer or speaker, notable guest, etc. If using identifiable student(s) to represent an academic program, said student(s) should be or have been enrolled in the featured program.
      • Photographs must be horizontal, high definition, and of good enough quality to enlarge satisfactorily. Images selected should be actual photos rather than artwork such as logos, illustrations or posters.
      • Words and art on T-shirts, jackets, and caps and in visible signage must present MTSU in a positive way; except when showing athletic events and competitions, logos from other universities and colleges should not be visible.
      • Be sure that nothing in the background shows out-of-date equipment and the like and that the campus and buildings look neat and maintained.
      • Don’t select images that portray any individual/group in a subservient or less positive way than another. If in doubt, show the image to others and ask what the photo “says” to them.
      • Strive for an honest, appropriate portrayal of diversity.
  • Short Description
    • Review for any updates you might want to make
  • Main Copy
    • Make sure this copy is up-to-date and consider any updates or additions you’d like to make. Marketing is working through this copy to make it as SEO friendly as possible, but we need your help!
    • It’s best to keep this copy as timeless as possible, to prevent it from going out-of-date quickly
  • Careers
    • Are there additional career opportunities or employer examples to be added?
    • Additional guidance for making this section more robust is coming soon!
  • Requirements
    • Information is pulled directly from the appropriate catalog and includes a link to the appropriate academic map(s). This information updates when a new catalog is published each May. If changes are needed, be sure to submit as part of the annual catalog updating process.
  • Faculty
    • The faculty listings on the M/C and Department pages can only list full-time faculty (Tenure Track (TT) and Full-Time Temp (FTT) Faculty). 
    • Adjuncts may be listed separately in “Information” or on their own page within a Department. For example, the Department of History has this page for adjuncts that is separate from their “Faculty Listing” page:
  • Information
    • If you already have this tab, please review the information under it and make sure it is accurate. 
    • If you do not have this tab, consider adding additional information about your major or concentration such as links to forms or other resources such as handbooks, reading lists, study help, professional or student organizations, career or job links, etc.
      • It’s best to keep this type of content as evergreen as possible to prevent it from going out of date quickly. The majority of your detailed, timely information belongs on your department page(s). Remember that the primary user for major and concentration pages is prospective students!
    • This is where Professional Licensure Disclosure information is listed, under a heading of the same name. Please do not delete any of this copy if it is on your page(s)!
  • Department
    • Please check to make sure this link is accurately pointing to the correct department page URL.
  • News Briefs
    • We are in the process of transitioning from static News Briefs to stories that flow in automatically from using a keyword specific to your program:
      • If you see BLUE clickable headlines, those are pulling from
      • If you see BLACK non-clickable headlines, those have not been transitioned yet 
    • The goal is to have fresh content displaying on the pages. Please be patient with us as we work to make sure there is appropriate information available on that work well for your pages.
      • If you know of a story on that will work well, we can add a tag to display on your page(s)
      • If you have ideas for stories to fill this need, please contact!
  • Related Media
    • Are there any recent YouTube videos you want added to the playlist here?
    • If no videos are currently displaying, we can add some!
  • Banners
    • Marketing will occasionally update these banners as needed, for both undergraduate and graduate pages, but we do have the ability to use a custom banner for your program, if you so desire (and again, it’s best for the content to be as evergreen as possible, so that it doesn’t go out-of-date quickly!)